Genesis 46:1-7: Jacob Comes to Egypt (Shane Mosby)

At this stage in Jacob’s life, he likely felt that he had settled into his final days on the path God put him on. He was dwelling in the land that God had promised and was surrounded by his family. But, when famine comes, God calls upon him to go to Egypt, where his son, Joseph, had risen to power. God spoke to him in a vision,
urging him to overcome his fear and go to Egypt, here Joseph would lay him to rest. He promptly packs up his possessions and all of his family and takes a caravan to Egypt.

When Jacob is first told that Joseph was alive, he didn’t believe it. He was in a state of denial until he saw the caravan of goods and resources that Joseph sent, and at once he knew. But even with this knowledge, he was still scared to make that journey, and what it might mean for his lineage. But, when God comes to him in a
vision, he tells him not to be afraid. He reminds Joseph of his promise as a means of tamping down the fear that was welling up. Fear is a normal response to the unknown and change generally. Even Jesus wrestled with fear when he faced the cross. It is a part of the human experience but shouldn’t leave us paralyzed, unable to act.

The location that God spoke to Jacob in the vision was significant as well and served as a reminder of God’s grace. This is the place where he received the blessing from his father, Isaac, and came to understand the role he would play in carrying out God’s promises. God also came to Isaac in a vision at this place, which led him to worship and set up an altar to God. Abraham also had a significant experience with God here when he was given favor with the locals and had planted a tree as a reminder and testament to God’s provision. These physical reminders served an important purpose to Jacob as he wrestled with fear.

God’s power should be a source of confidence when confronted with fear also. When God speaks to Jacob he makes multiple statements using “I” to tell Jacob what he would do. The use of this “I” was a very personal one that meant more than simply overshadowing. He was promising to Jacob to take an active role in accomplishing his purposed through Jacob. God speaks in a very transparent and raw way to the core of Jacob’s fears to help give him the confidence he needed to act.

There are 6 P’s we see here that we should draw from this example to help us confront fear and the unknown. First, God made his Presence known to Jacob, through a vision. Though we may not experience visions, we have the good grace of being indwelt with the Holy Spirit if we know Christ, so we are never without God’s presence in all circumstances. God reminds Jacob of his Protection. We are God’s children, and he will protect us from our ultimate demise if we trust and follow him. God reminds Jacob of his Provision. Not only does he provide for him materially through Joseph, but he assures him that he will provide a path to carry out his mission and continue the lineage through his time spent in Egypt. We see that God had a Plan. This may seem obvious, but to Jacob, he may have lost faith that God had a plan. When we get an idea that we are on the path God has for us, we may put the blinders on and not consider that God has a larger plan when he calls us to something unknown. Jacob is reminded of God’s promises. In Beer Sheba where so much had been promised to his ancestors, he was surely reminded of those promises, and if that wasn’t enough, God speaks to him directly and promises that he will complete his work. Today we are able to look at the entirety of Scripture to see the many promises God has made for us. Lastly, God’s Power was displayed. God reminds Jacob of who he truly is, and that nothing is impossible for him. We seldom will have a clear vision of the path God has us on, or even what tomorrow may bring, but when we walk with God in all circumstances, we will be reminded that he provides all that we need to overcome the unknown.


Gathering Preview | Genesis 50:22-26 | The Last Days of Joseph


Gathering Preview | Genesis 41:1-14 | Joseph Interprets Dreams