Builder, Paige McNally wrote this beautiful reflection. Enjoy!

I was thinking about our church building birthday and wrote this and thought I would share.

I sit in the 100-year-old sanctuary today and hear the sighs and sniffles of my brothers and sisters. I wonder how much weeping you have heard in this space, Lord. How many groans and pains and prayers? How many victories and celebrations have You heard? And how many tears of joy have dropped onto these floors? These wooden pews have provided respite to so many- Physical rest for our bodies, as our souls have rested under the leadership of those our God has chosen to shepherd us so well.

These stained glass windows have filtered colored light and provided physical beauty in situations where beauty wasn’t otherwise evident. This is the sanctuary where wedding covenants were made and where women have rocked and swayed with babies in their bellies and we have been introduced to teeny ones once they finally come.

This sanctuary has housed funerals where choked goodbyes were whispered one last time. The altar has given stage to the beautiful feet of those bringing good news, both in preaching and song. Oh the altar where heads have been dunked in beautiful baptism and babies were dedicated to the Lord. This place isn’t the church, but this place houses the church. This place is sacred. This place is a sanctuary.


Midweek Meditation | Matthew 20:1-16


Midweek Meditation | Matthew 21:33-46