NCCKids Daily Devotionals | September 7-11

September 7:

Psalm 159:5 (NIRV)

You are all around me, behind me and in front of me.

    You hold me safe in your hand.

Discussion Prompt for all ages:

Have you ever been in a situation where you wanted a parent to stand in front of you or go before you?

Psalm 159:5 says that God goes before us, is behind us and even holds us in his hand.  God totally surrounds us with his love!  There’s no better place to be than in God’s hand.

Let’s put a cross, or a symbol that reminds us of God, on our hands today.  Every time we see our symbol let’s remember that God is just as near to us as the marker (or sticker) on our hand.  

(Close with prayer.)

September 8:

Psalm 159:23 (NIRV)

God, see what is in my heart.

    Know what is there.

Test me.

    Know what I’m thinking. 

Discussion Prompt for all ages:

Have you ever thought something and been glad no one else could hear it?  Maybe it was a super embarrassing thought or even a mean one.  The person who wrote our Scripture verse for today invited God to see everything he was thinking.  Why do you think he would ask God to do that?

We don’t ever have to worry about God thinking that we are embarrassing or mean or too silly or too sad.  None of our thoughts could ever be too bad for God.  And when we invite God to know us completely- even our thoughts and heart- we’ll experience more and more of God’s ‘never stopping, never giving up, always and forever love! (Sally Lloyd Jones)’

Anyone want to be brave and lead our prayer today and ask God to know our hearts and thoughts?

September 9:

Psalm 139:17-17 (NIRV)

God, your thoughts about me are priceless.

     No one can possibly add them all up.

If I could count them,

     they would be more than the grains of sand.

If I were to fall asleep counting and then wake up, 

     you would still be there with me.

(To prepare for the lesson today, grab a salt shaker, pepper shaker, or bag of sugar.)

Discussion prompt for all ages:

Who can tell me how many pieces of salt, pepper, or sugar is in this container? 

There is no way we could possibly count all of these tiny pieces! 

Let’s say you could count them, how long do you think it would take you?

What we learn from the Bible today is that God has more thoughts about you than salt, pepper, or sugar in this container. We also learn that if we could number all of God’s thoughts about ourselves, we would count forever.

Why do you think God has so many thoughts about you? Because he loves you! Did you know that God loves you that much? Before we pray, I want you to take a few moments and be amazed by all the thoughts God has for you!

Let’s pray and thank God for having so many thoughts about us that we cannot count all of them. 

September 10:

Psalm 16:5-6 (NIRV)

Lord, you alone are everything I need.

    You make my life secure.

I am very pleased with what you have given me.

    I am very happy with what I’ve received from you.

Discussion Prompt for all ages:

This morning (afternoon/evening :)  let’s spend some time making a list of the things God has given us!  

James 1:17 says ‘Every good and perfect gift is from God.’ Which gift on our list do you want to thank God for this morning?

September 11:

Psalm 42:5 (NIRV)

My spirit, why are you so sad?

     Why are you so upset deep down inside me?

Put your hope in God.

     Once again I will have reason to praise him.

He is my Savior and my God.

 Discussion prompt for all ages:

Have you ever had a time when you were really sad? Would you share that story with me/us? 

The passage in the Bible was written by people who were going through a very hard season. We don’t know what it might have been but they were very sad. They gave a word picture of how they were feeling. They said that they felt like they were out in deep water and waves kept going over their heads. How would you feel in that situation? 

The writer was scared, sad, and upset. Sometimes when people feel sad they feel alone, that no one understands, and no one cares.  I hope you always remember that God cares about you and that he has placed people around you who care about you (like the person reading this.) So remember, the next time you are scared you can pray to God, like the psalmist, and trust He will rescue you from your scary and sad situation. He loves you.

 Prayer guide for children (choose one):

  1. Do you have anything that you are scared about right now that you want us to pray about?

  2. Let’s pray and ask God to help us remember that he is with us all the time, even in the hard, scary, and sad times of our lives.


Midweek Meditation | John 21:1-7


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