A Story of Reflection Of It All!

By: Russ Jackson

In the five plus years that I have been associated with New Circle Church, I think I have experienced almost all of the range of human emotions and spiritual trials one person can encounter. I was there as God seemed to breathe life into, what would eventually become, a group of people dedicated to doing what we can to make the Circle City new in Christ.

There have been very joyous moments as we have experienced baptisms, new relationships, new friends, new co-workers in Christ and more than a few marriages. There have been times of pain and loss when people that we have grown to love have moved away for work, gone to other mission fields or faded in their faith. There has been growth, numerically and spiritually as well as God’s gracious provision in the form of some very precious new babies. I’ve experienced the relocation of our meeting place at least 5 times (Unleavened Bread Café, the Our Redeemer Lutheran church building, The Oaks Academy, TOTS on Mass Ave., back to Our Redeemer, which finally became home to New Circle church).

Through it all God has been our loving Father, guide and protector. We can only ask that the next 5 years of New Circle church (should he provide it) bring Him glory and honor as we work together to make His name known among the people of Indianapolis.




A Story of Something Deeper