Why We Do What We Do: Introduction

By Evan Johnson

God's people are called to gather together to fellowship and for the breaking of bread (Acts 2:42), not so much as a rule but because it is good and enjoyable for God's people to come together and see each other and hear each other and worship with one another.

But how do we know how to do it? What do we do during those times of worship?

More importantly, why do we even do what we do during worship?

Over the next two months, we'll be exploring why we specifically at New Circle Church do what we do in our gatherings. We'll be exploring the reasonings behind everything from the order of service to why we have coffee and bagels ready. No church is without tradition, so we want to make sure that builders and visitors have an easy way of knowing why we do certain things a certain way at New Circle. We don't want the answer to "why do we do this thing this way" to be "because we've always done it that way." We don't worship with traditions and motions. We worship with heart. Traditions and liturgy are just tools to help us worship, so understanding the heart behind our liturgy is the key to helping us worship. 

Having said that, nothing that we'll discuss over the next 8 blog posts is a sacred cow. It's not written in stone. We may choose to change it up for whatever reason, but what we're discussing are things you can reasonably expect upon a visit to New Circle.


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E-mail blog@newcirclechurch.com!


Why We Do What We Do: Coffee and Bagels (Hospitality and Belonging)


Encouragement from Psalm 112